Welcome back to another issue of the Home Remedy Series!
“You Could Cut Your Healing Time In Half By Applying Ice and Receiving Chiropractic Care Immediately After an Injury!”
It is time to answer that age old question I hear:
“Should I use an ice pack or heating pad right after an injury or accident?”
My most common answer is: When in doubt . . . USE ICE!
Here’s why ice should be used immediately after an injury:
First, It will have an immediate pain relieving effect as well as decrease inflammation. The inflammation that builds up activates more pain receptors so if you can decrease the initial stages of inflammation then your body will not be in as much pain and can also heal faster.
Use Ice within a few days of an acute injury. There are exceptions that apply, so it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional for any specific questions after an injury.
For more chronic or long standing aches and pains moist heat (Ex: hot shower) can work very well. Moist heat in chronic tightness or aches can bring much needed circulation and relaxation to surrounding muscles and joints. Moist heat helps relax the body and is better than using an electric heating pad which is more of a dry heat.
Examples of moist heat that you can use at home include:
In an acute injury heat may slow down the healing process by increasing tissue or nerve
swelling and should be avoided.
General Rule For Treating Injuries:
Acute Injury : USE ICE
Chronic Injury: USE MOIST HEAT
Everyone reacts differently to ice and heat so it is best to consult with a professional if you have questions and know what works best for your body.
Think about this: If you just had an acute ankle sprain and you immediately put it into a bucket of hot water. . . your ankle would swell like a balloon!
The heat feels great while it’s on, but an hour later the painful area is swollen!
Ok, here’s what works best for most of my patients and friends for an Acute injury. . .
minutes, your body treats it like frostbite. Your brain (thinking there is frost-bite happening) sends
fluids to the painful area, which may result in tissue or nerve swelling.
Your body heals best when you are sleeping. So, always apply ice before bed. Many
times the ice will numb the area of pain enough for you to get some sleep and jumpstart the healing process
Using ice at home, along with chiropractic treatment should speed your healing time dramatically!
I’ll see you next time with another simple home remedy!
Dr. Weisz, D.C.
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The study is everywhere in the news so check it out now...Study Casts Doubt on Acetaminophen for Low Back Pain, Arthitis. (of course a natural alternative to drugs is Pain 180) check out the full study seen on U.S. News and World Report so you can judge for yourself..
If you are like most of my patients, you or a family member suffer from chronic pain, inflammation, joint issues. You know you should not have to live like this but have learned to deal with it.
According to research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health...
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