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Everyone's Favorite Drug Dealer

Why You Feel Exhausted… (*hint* It’s not your fault )

Are you struggling with low energy?

Is it normal for you to feel overwhelmingly tired on a daily basis?

Do you notice that there are coffee shops on every corner and that convenience store shelves are lined to the brim with an ever growing number of new and foul-smelling “energy” drinks…. that millions of people spend hard earned money only to be tired again in a few hours?

Why are millions of people around the world willing to accept feeling like crap in the morning, tired in the afternoon and exhausted by 5PM — even though there are all natural and effective remedies available?

Everyone’s Favorite Drug Dealer: Caffeine Is Big Business

Coffee is the world’s most popular and generally legal psychotropic drug… and business is good.

How good?

Well… coffee came in second place to crude oil as the second most sought after commodity in the world and has a value of $100 Billion worldwide.

So it comes as no shock to learn that the world drinks over 500 billion cups of coffee each year.

It’s also an expensive habit, a study discovered that the average working American spent $21.32 on coffee EVERY week. That’s over $1,000.00 per year!

It’s also one of the few drugs that we consume more of as we get older… more than likely for the goal of regaining or discovering extra energy.

Need more proof?

  • 33% of those aged 16-24 drink coffee at home
  • 57% of those aged 25-34 drink coffee at home
  • 75% of those aged 35-44 years old drink coffee at home

High intakes of coffee have proven to produce a series of unpleasant physical and mental effects which include nervousness, irritability, restlessness, insomnia and headaches.

But is it really that big of a deal?

The Science Behind Caffeine and Your Body

Most people begin drinking caffeine because of the immediate feeling of alertness and improved mood. Many studies even suggest that caffeine improves cognitive task performance (things like memory, attention span, energy, etc.) but only in short and concentrated bursts.

However, the problem is that these studies often fail to consider the participants’ caffeine habits.

A new study by Johns Hopkins Medical School discovered that performance increases due to caffeine intake are actually the result of caffeine drinkers experiencing a short-term reversal of caffeine withdrawal.

Here’s how the study worked — John Hopkins’ researchers began by controlling for caffeine use in study participants. Once this control was established, the research data actually confirmed that so called caffeine-related performance improvement is nonexistent without caffeine withdrawal first being present.

Basically, coming off caffeine reduces your cognitive performance which has a negative impact on your mood and energy levels. And just like with any drug (which chemically speaking — caffeine definitely is a drug) the only way to get back to feeling normal is to drink more caffeine. So when you drink coffee, you feel like it is taking you to new heights but in reality its just taking your performance back to normal for a short period of time.

Here’s another major issue with caffeine consumption — it triggers the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline is naturally produced in your body as a survival mechanism which forces you to either stand up and fight or run as fast as you can in the opposite direction of the threat.

Here’s the problem, this “fight-or-flight” response that is produced via adrenaline ignores rational thinking in favor of a quick response. This works well when you’re running for your life from a mountain lion but becomes problematic when you’re trying to work through your email inbox.

To put it bluntly, caffeine forces your mind and body into a hypersensitive state which then uses emotion as the primary driving factor for decision making.

As you can probably relate to, the most common reaction to caffeine ingestion is irritability & anxiety. But the problem doesn’t stop here — it also creates serious physical reactions.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that large doses of caffeine:

  • Raise blood pressure
  • Unnecessarily stimulate the heart
  • Produce rapid & shallow breathing which deprives the brain and body of optimal oxygen levels. (This not only makes you tired but it also makes you irrational and on edge)
  • Increases hypertension risks
  • Promotes tooth decay
  • Keeps the liver busy from filtering other toxins
  • Causes anxiety
  • Disrupts sleep habits
  • Increases dehydration
  • Decreased libido or sexual performance

If the above issues aren’t bad enough — here’s another major problem with regular caffeine intake. Caffeine has a six hour half life, which means that it takes at least 24 hours to leave your system.

For example, if you drink a cup of coffee at 8am… you’ll still have 25% of the caffeine in circulating through your body by 8PM. So it follows that any coffee or caffeine that you drink after lunch will still have at least 50% of its potency. Also, it’s fairly obvious — but, the more you drink… the more negative affects you’ll feel for longer.

This may not seem like such a big issue unless you consider sleep and its affect on energy and total body wellness. Not only does caffeine make it much more difficult to fall asleep initially, but it also disrupts the quality of your sleep by reducing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This is the stage of sleep that helps your body recuperate most both physically and mentally.

This is where it gets really bad — since caffeine interrupts your sleep cycle it puts you at an immediate disadvantage the next day. You feel tired, sluggish and are looking for a way to just get the day going… so you grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink to try and kick start your day. This surges your adrenaline (which as we discovered is not helpful), temporarily restores you to somewhat normal operating levels and creates a strong reward for continuing the bad habit. Since you didn’t sleep well the night before, you feel tired tired in the afternoon and combat this feeling with another cup of joe… which means that you aren’t going to sleep well again. And thus we find ourselves stuck in a viscous cycle of caffeine addiction.

There’s a better way…

An All-Natural, 100% Safe, Energy Boosting Supplement

Which Provides Clean, Consistent Energy And Boosts Mental Clarity!

It’s called B Complex Boost® and it not only gives you lasting and steady energy but it also supports a number of additional health benefits — it contains:

Today’s Most Powerful & Proven Ingredients…

No Label ‘Slight of Hand’: Most supplements don’t list the exact concentrations on their labels… because they want to hide the fact that they’re RIPPING YOU OFF!

As you’ll see below… you get to see the entire label… with ALL ingredients and ALL concentrations of each ingredient – because we have nothing to hide.

Supports mental clarity and boosts mood

Contains the most readily absorbable and highly sought after methyl- compound of Vitamin B Plus…

To top it all off, this sublingual tablet is natural cherry flavored and tastes amazing

Why is B Complex Boost The Best Choice For All Natural Energy?

Big business doesn’t want you to know about the natural ways you can increase energy and health because they would rather have you take the purple pill, drink yet another cup of coffee… or swig just one more crazy smelling, strong tasting energy drink.

There’s a better way…

Ever wonder what separates “naturally” energetic people from those who get tired and stressed easily?

Why are some people’s nerves so steady, minds so clear — even after nights of broken sleep and days of fatiguing work?

The answer is simple — exercise, diet, and natural energy boosting supplements like the vitamins contained in B Complex Boost.

**Now listen, this isn’t a miracle pill. Obviously you can’t just sit on the couch eating hot wings and drinking beer all day and expect to feel a rush of pure, clean energy. With that being said, don’t underestimate just how powerful B Complex Boost really is. This supplement is packed with the essential elements your body needs to perform optimally.**

Here’s a bit of the science behind it: **WARNING some of this content is fairly technical**

Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine and pyridoxal 5’-phosphate) is involved in the metabolism of amino acids and lipids, the synthesis of neurotransmitters and hemoglobin, and in the production of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3). The vitamin plays an important role in maintaining gluconeogenesis (formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, such as amino acids). Pyridoxine must be converted to pyridoxal 5’phosphate (P5P) in the liver to be used by the body.

Folic Acid: Folate helps the cells in the body make and maintain DNA, and aids in maintaining the production of red blood cells (erythropoiesis) within normal range.

Vitamin B-12 (Methylcobalamin): Methylcobalamin is the active form of vitamin B12 in the central nervous system. The vitamin enhances methylation and acceleration of nerve cell growth and supports healthy homocysteine levels for those whose levels are already within a normal range.

Biotin: Biotin plays a key role in the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.

On top of that, properly synthesized B vitamins have been proven to support cognitive function, improved metabolism, improved mood and hormone balancing. In fact, one study showed that “less-than-optimal levels of vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid lead to a deficiency of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). SAMe deficiency can cause depression, dementia, or degeneration of the nerves.” (Source: Abou-Saleh & Coppen, 1986)

The proper combination and delivery of these natural ingredients has also been proven to improve metabolism, assist in optimal blood sugar regulation and increase natural cell generation.

Awesome health benefits aside… What makes B Complex Boost even better is the caffeine free energy you’ll feel when you pop two of these delicious natural cherry flavored tabs into your mouth.

FDA Guaranteed Purity and Safety

All of the ingredients in B Complex Boost® are formulated and bottled in an FDA approved facility.

To meet this stringent standard, every ingredient and batch must undergo rigorous testing to ensure…

  1. PURITY – to certify 100% of the ingredients on the label are in the bottle (and nothing else), and…
  2. SAFE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION – no biological contaminants or poisonous additives exist.

IMPORTANT: Not all supplements are made at FDA approved facilities.

Two Dirty Secrets That Big Pharmaceutical & Supplement Companies Don’t Want You to Know…

So, what makes B Complex Boost different from other similar supplements. As with most things, the biggest difference can be found in the details.

Most B Vitamin supplements that you can purchase either online or in your local health food store contain a form of the vitamin that is non-sublingual. If you’re wondering what this mean, basically it means that the pills are designed to be ingested.The problem with this is that the human digestive tract is very inefficient when absorbing B Vitamins. In fact, JEREMY PUT STAT HERE.

These types of supplements can be produced cheaply and are sold extremely cheaply… but like so many other things, you get what you pay for.

B Complex Boost is 100% sublingual. Instead of swallowing a pill, you place a natural cherry flavored tablet under your tongue and allow it to fully dissolve.(this takes less than 60 seconds)

Here’s why it works — the area directly underneath our tongues is one of the most nutrient receptor filled areas in our body. Once B Complex is taken sublingually, it almost immediately enters your bloodstream and “goes to work.”

One of the other primary but shockingly important differences between B Complex Boost & other supplements is the form of B-12 being used.

Cyanocobalamin vs Methylcobalamin

There are two primary forms of B12 – methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. The second is much more commonly found in multivitamins and B12 supplements. However scientists and doctors are calling to replace this ingredient with methylcobalamin because of its immense health advantages.

So, what is it that makes methylcobalamin the far superior health supplement?


The two different B12 forms are very similar — the only chemical difference between the two is found in just one small part of the molecule.

The names of each give away the critical distinction:

Methylcobalamin contains a methyl group which is just carbon and hydrogen — pretty standard stuff for both nature and your body.

Cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide group… And, just to point the obvious — cyanide isn’t something you usually expect or want to find hiding in your supplement.

To make matters worse, cyanocobalamin isn’t something nature ever intended your body use. It is fully synthesized in a laboratory because it doesn’t occur naturally in any living organism. Your body actually can’t absorb the cyano- compound itself, so when ingested it immediately starts converting any cyanocobalamin you take into methylcobalamin since only the methyl- compound is what the human body needs to perform optimally.

Not only is cyanocobalamin a far less efficient way to supplement your vitamin B12 intake, but you must also face the inevitable problem of what happens to the cyanide group during its conversion into the ‘active’ (useful) form of B12, methylcobalamin.

Cyanide is of course most commonly used as a poison. So it makes sense that your body does everything it can to remove this unwanted substance…

The methyl compound (the only one found in B Complex Boost) also has a few other significant benefits over its cyanide-based cousin. Studies have shown that methyl- remains in the body for a much longer period of time and at levels far higher than cyano-. This allows your body to be saturated with the energy-giving vitamin B12 for a much more extended period of time.

It’s been found that methyl- may also improve” visual accommodation”, while no evidence exists regarding the cyno- compound. Visual accommodation is what allows clarity and focus within the eye. It is often impaired by things like staring at a computer screen, and is improved by methylcobalamin because of its positive effects on the central nervous system.

However, perhaps the greatest benefit of methylcobalamin is its effects on vitamin B deficiencies. Usually deficits aren’t actually caused by not getting enough of the vitamin — instead, it occurs from the inadequate absorption in the digestive system. Taking methylcobalamin sublingually (under the tongue) allows the body to bypass the problematic absorption in the small intestine and puts the vitamin to use immediately. This ensures that your body gets exactly what it needs. If cyanocobalamin is used, even further problems with converting the chemical into the active methyl- form occur.

Regular smokers especially may struggle to process the cyano- compound because it causes heavy metals and toxins to build up in the liver.

The question then is, why do so many pharmaceutical and supposedly natural supplement companies use cyanocobalamin in the first place? Why can it be found on the labels of the majority of B supplements and multivitamins… and why do so few people know that a better alternative exists?

The answer isn’t pretty but it is all too common — money.

Manufacturing the unnatural cyano- form is far cheaper than making or obtaining methylcobalamin. It’s makes you wonder if many of these businesses are more focused on increasing profits rather than making sure you get the best possible supplementation.

The methylcobalamin form that is proudly featured in B Complex Boost is what your body actually wants and needs; cyanocobalamin is the substandard and unnatural substitute brought to you by the laboratories of big pharma which doesn’t perform as well and even releases a known toxin into your body.

So How Much Does Fast, 100% Safe Energy & Mental Clarity Cost?

Does living fully and being healthy really “cost” you anything?

Seriously, think about it...

Your life is the most valuable asset you have.

How many more mornings will you tolerate waking up and feeling groggy? How many more venti cups of coffee or oversized cans of “energy” drinks will you buy, just so you can make it to five o’clock? Is taking a nap and zoning out on the couch all you really want to do when you get home from work?

Not ever having enough energy and living in a mental fog IS NOT fully living.

You shouldn’t have to miss out on things you actually want to do because you just can’t muster up the energy.

There’s an easy solution — stop what isn’t working and try something that will work.

You can invest as little as $00.62 cents per day for a 45 day supply of B Complex Boost. (That’s less than 1/8th of what you would pay for a latte from Starbucks… not too mention it is way healthier)

So, if you could invest as little as 62 cents and receive not only all natural clean energy — but also know that you are supporting your central nervous system, your metabolism, your heart health, your mood and many more benefits...

... all WITHOUT risking your health or suffering from that 2:30 feeling from your daily caffeine induced crash...

... shouldn’t your choice be obvious?

We hope so!

But just in case for some reason you aren’t quite sure — We want to give you something that big pharmaceutical companies will never offer y...

We want to GUARANTEE that B Complex Boost will do everything mentioned above.

The BioTree 90-Day Risk-Free… 100% Guarantee

We’re so confident that B Complex Boost will work for you that we want you to try it out risk-free. Just test it out and see if it works for you…

If you don’t feel a significant improvement after trying it for at least 2 weeks, simply let us know and we’ll refund your purchase price (excluding shipping.)

What do other people think of B Complex Boost?

I’m not new to trying to improve my energy… I’ve tried everything from energy drinks to pharmaceuticals like ephedrine. But, nothing has given me clean energy and lasting effects like this.
Jonathan I., Oklahoma City

I recommend B Complex Boost to help my clients overcome fatigue naturally and improve their overall mood and energy.
Leigh W., Clinical Pyschologist, Chicago

I’m really excited because within just a few days I’ve already started to feel a drastic improvement in my energy levels… I finally feel like I’m able to keep up with the city that never sleeps!
Ben G., New York City

Finally something I can put into practice and take action on today. No harmful chemicals, just a straight forward and all natural approach to gaining more energy.
Jason C., HoustonLeigh W., Clinical Pyschologist, Chicago

I live an active lifestyle and really began to worry when I started feeling sluggish in the morning and needed to nap in the afternoon. This [B Complex Boost] helped me regain my energy and get back to feeling like I used to!
Tasha D., Spring


If you purchase B Complex Boost today, you’ll also immediately gain access to the BOOST: Energy Handbook.

This guide normally retails for $47.00 and has been purchased and approved by people all over the globe.

However, for a limited time only — you’ll get it absolutely FREE!

This handbook is packed with proven tactics and verified medical research that will get you primed and pumped full of all natural, clean energy...

Here is just a few things that are covered:

Safety Information

BioTree Labs products contains no artificial additives or preservatives. We provide an ABSOLUTE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. You must be completely satisfied with any product you purchase or you can return it within 30 days for a replacement, credit or full refund. Warning: Not all vitamins are created equal or are inspected by the FDA. Our manufacturing and packaging facility is registered with and inspected by the FDA. Our products are manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP’s). This, along with the dedication of our Employees, is why you can depend on the quality, potency and purity of our products. *these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


If you are anemic, elderly, have digestive disorders, vegetarian, or are just tired a lot; you may have an immediate need for supplemental Vitamin B12. Supports: